Entries by First Sun Team

#CareerAdvice : Take These Steps if you’re Looking to Make a #CareerChange …Time & Money can Get in the Way of a #CareerMove, But by Taking some Small Actions, You can Make it Happen.

While the popular adage is true, sometimes the time spend and money send can get in the way of truly following a new path. With technology, making a career change (within reason) has never been easier. Using tools like LinkedIn, Udemy, and, yes, even YouTube, you can learn the skills of a trade and connect with the masters […]

#Leadership : #Recruiting – Here are the Benefits of #Hiring Someone Outside of your Industry… Hiring Outside of your Industry can Bring Unique Values that you May Not Get Within your Own Sector.

Many employers feel they need to hire candidates who know their company’s industry like the back of their hands. But hiring outside of your given industry scope often can bring unique value that you might miss out on by hiring within your existing sector. After all, a diversity of backgrounds and opinions is key to innovation. If you’re […]

#CareerAdvice – #JobInterviewingQuestions – How to answer these 10 tricky questions tactfully in a job Interview …Don’t Panic–Consider these Things First Before you Answer.

We’ve all been there—pleased that an interview was going really well until the interviewer threw out a real doozy of a question that you just don’t know how to answer. But you don’t have to panic. We asked career coach Hallie Crawford to give us advice on how to answer the most difficult questions you’ve ever been […]

#Leadership : #DecisionMaking – When #Managers Should be Fair and When they Should Challenge the Rules…Sometimes the Right Decision isn’t the Most Fair, But it Can be a Tricky Line to Toe.

From early in life, we are attuned to the concept of fairness. As kids, if one child gets more candy than others, that is met with cries of, “That’s not fair!” And when we ascend to leadership roles, we often strive to be fair to the people who work for us. But why do we […]

#CareerAdvice : #JobSearch – #Fired or #LaidOff ? Here’s How to Talk About it in your Next #Interview …It might Sound Scary, But There is a Way to Address Losing your Job Tactfully.

Most of us want to build longevity when accepting a new position, with the hopes of sustaining long-term employment within the same organization. However, these aspirations can often conflict with the realities of the current job market. I am not what has happened to me, I am what I choose to become—Carl Jung When it’s our […]

#CareerAdvice : #JobChange – How to #SwitchCareers in Six Months or Less…Use these Steps to Learn How to Gather the #Skills, Resources, and Connections to Make a Meaningful #CareerMove within Months

While the popular adage is true, sometimes the time spend and money send can get in the way of truly following a new path. With technology, making a career change (within reason) has never been easier. Using tools like LinkedIn, Udemy, and, yes even YouTube, you can learn the skills of a trade and connect with the masters […]

#CareerAdvice : #JobInterview – Really Want that Job? Don’t Make these Six Mistakes….Don’t Do What these Overeager Candidates Do.

As in romantic relationships, hiring managers avoid an overeager suitor. You know the type–after one date or one conversation, they’re calling, texting, and wanting to see you every day in a constant attempt to convince you that they’re “the one.” Unfortunately, this only has the opposite effect. Desperation is relationship repellant, and that’s true when it comes […]

#CareerAdvice : This is How you Should End your Four Most Common Work Conversations…Whether you’re in a #NetworkingConversation, an Exchange in the Corridor, #SalesCall, or #Email Chat, Here’s How to Tell your Listeners How you Want your Message to Be Acted Upon.

Your “Closing” Should Open Doors. If you Want to Get People to Take Action and Do What you Want, This is What you Should Say. We speak approximately 16,000 words a day. Ideally, we want our words and ideas to make a difference–particularly in the workplace. And for that to happen, our ideas must lead to action. […]

#CareerAdvice : How to Prepare for the Three Most Common Types of #Negotiation at Work…Preparation is crucial no matter what you’re negotiating. But you Might Need to Adapt How you Prepare Depending on your Objective.

There is one common component that can make or break any negotiation–research and preparation. It doesn’t matter whether you’re trying to make a convincing case for why you deserve a promotion, or whether you’re trying to convince your boss that you need more resources to complete the project that they assigned to your team. However,  how […]

#CareerAdvice : #ResumeWriting – 10 #ResumeTips You Haven’t Heard Before..After All, #HiringManagers & #Recruiters Generally only Spend About 7 Seconds Reading your Resume Before Deciding Whether to Move Forward or Not.

Having a well-crafted resume can be the key to getting your foot in the door at the company of your dreams. But figuring out how to make your resume fully representative of your experience and also stand out is easier said than done. Don’t let this happen to you! After all, hiring managers and recruiters generally only […]