Entries by First Sun Team

#Leadership : #ProductivePeople – You Can’t Avoid your Afternoon Slump—Here’s How to Get Through It….It’s Part of your Biology, so Don’t Bother Fighting It.

It happens to most of us. Somewhere between 1 p.m. and 3 p.m. each day–at least on days when you’re not active–all your energy and drive disappears. At first, it hits you like a mini wave. You start to yawn a little bit, and your brain goes elsewhere, then all of a sudden your eyes […]

#CareerAdvice : #JobNetworking – Do these 4 Things to Make a Positive Impression at a #NetworkingEvent ….The Best Networker Views #Networking as an Unavoidable Part of Professional Life.

No one is born a natural networker. But when you think about someone you’ve met networking who impressed you, I’d challenge you to consider what you talked about. The best networkers view connecting as part and parcel to life: not just something they do when they need a job or a favor. To up your game as […]

#Leadership : #CareerAdvice – Undermined at the Office? How Women Can Cope With Mistreatment From Female Colleagues…Mistreatment can Range from Humiliating Put-Downs to Intentional Sabotage, Experts say.

Do some women undermine other women? It is one of the trickiest workplace issues. Managerial women often hesitate to speak openly about female colleagues undercutting each other—and not just because doing so seems to reinforce a negative stereotype. Even those who have clashed with female colleagues say broader gender bias in pay and promotions pose […]

#CareerAdvice : 5 Steps to Become a #Manager …What are Some Other Steps #Professionals can Take toward Becoming a #Manager ? Share your Thoughts!

Many people reach a point in their careers when they decide they’d like more responsibility. Becoming a manager can be an excellent way for professionals to advance their career development and even earn more money. Managers are responsible for coordinating and overseeing many company projects and everyday tasks. That makes their position a unique one within the company – one […]

#CareerAdvice : #JobSearch – How to Find—and Make the Most of—a #Recruiter or #Headhunter …Headhunters are #Recruiters for Hire. Often they Work for an Outside Agency and are Hired by Companies (usually the Big Guys) to Find them #Talent ASAP. The Keyword here is “ASAP

You probably know someone who knows someone who landed a great gig by working with a recruiting agency or professional headhunter. Maybe you’ve picked up the phone to a recruIter’s call for a reference on one of your former employees or coworkers. Maybe you’ve considered applying to a job listing through a recruiting agency. But at the end […]

#CareerAdvice : #YourCareer -Passed over for a #Promotion ? Here’s How to Recover…Your First Reaction Might Be to Get your #Resume Ready, but Quitting isn’t Necessarily Best Option.

Finding out you’ve been passed over for a promotion can come with a host of emotions, from anger to resentment to feeling unappreciated. Yes, it stings. But while your first reaction to being passed over may be to fire off your resume and show your boss what they missed out on, doing so may mean […]

#CareerAdvice : #CoverLetter -How to Write a Letter of Interest in 2018… You can Have a Great #Resume but IF you Can’t get the #Recruiter to Read it, you Have Nothing. That’s What a Great Cover Letter does.

It’s one of the worst feelings in the world. You’ve spent weeks perfecting your resume and crafting the perfect cover letter, and you’re finally ready to submit your application for your dream job. But when you scan the company’s careers page, panic starts pouring over you. The job you wanted to apply for is no longer […]

#CareerAdvice – #JobSearch -The Best and Worst Times to #JobHunt by Season…..We Break it Down by Seasons so you Know What to Expect while Searching for That Next Key Position.

When you have long-term career goals, job-hunting is more than a matter of making a slightly higher salary or having a slightly shorter commute. It’s about finding the role that will help you grow, whether it’s taking on new responsibilities, learning and applying new skills, or entering entirely new fields. With that in mind, job-hunting […]

#CareerAdvice : #JobChange – 6 Things You *Don’t* Want to Hear About #ChangingCareers (But Need to Anyway)…Changing Careers is Not Always Easy, However, and it Doesn’t Help When we Gloss Over the Tough Parts.

Take a break from all the ads and blog posts promising quick fixes to life’s most complex problems and join me for some real talk about finding career happiness. I work with people who feel stuck in jobs they don’t like and want to change careers. If this is you, there are many reasons to feel […]