Entries by First Sun Team

#CareerAdvice : #JobSearch – 9 Important Things to Discuss With #HR Before Accepting a #NewJob …If you are Offered a #NewPosition, Here are Nine Important Things that you Need to Talk With HR about Before you Accept the Offer.

At one time, many people had the mindset that jobs were hard to come by, so they should take whatever was offered to them with no questions asked. Today, people are becoming choosier about their career paths, and they know that they are deserving of more than the bare minimum. In our job seeker-driven labor […]

#CareerAdvice : #JobInterviewQuestions – Always Ask These 8 Questions in a #JobInterview …A Job Interview is a Two-Way Process. Make Sure that you Ask Questions that Let you Assess Whether or Not This is the Right Place for You.

While some interviews may feel more like interrogations, they shouldn’t. Close your eyes and think of a tennis match: The ball is hit back and forth, rather effortlessly (well, unless you’re opposite Serena Williams). An interview should be like a casual game of tennis, where questions are lobbed back and forth. They ask a question, […]

#CareerAdvice : #Networking – Should You Join a Professional Group? …Here are Three Questions you Can Ask Yourself Before Joining a Group to Make Sure it will Deliver Clear #CareerBenefit .

When I was first laid off and trying to build up my professional network as a newly self-employed person, I had the bright idea to join a Meet Up group called “Small Business Owners & Entrepreneurs” that met once a month at a local restaurant to talk about business, marketing and growth. So you can […]

#CareerAdvice – Starting Your Own Home Business. Ideas & Tips to Get Started…Whether you are Finally Ready to Be your Own Boss or you Simply Want a Way to Make some Extra Money in your Free Time, it’s Never been Easier to Start your own #HomeBasedBusiness .

Whether you are finally ready to be your own boss or you simply want a way to make some extra money in your free time, it’s never been easier to start your own home-based business. Social media and the gig economy are great tools that help new businesses reach out to their client base and make money. Furthermore, there has […]

#CareerAdvice : #PhoneInterview Coming Up? Don’t make These Mistakes…Phone Interviews have Become an Inevitable Part of the #JobHunting Process. Here are 12 Things to Keep in Mind to Make Sure you Succeed.

These days, phone interviews are an unavoidable part of the job interview process, and for good reason: They save everyone involved time and effort. But that doesn’t mean that phoners require zero energy on the part of the candidate. Yes, you should spend more time preparing for an in-person interview, but many companies treat phone screens as […]

#CareerAdvice – #JobInterview – How to Answer #InterviewQuestions to make #HiringManagers like You…By the Time you Reach the Interview Phase, your Prospective #Employer already Knows a Lot About you. They Know your Previous Experience. What they Don’t Know is Whether they Want to Work with You.

After you interview for a position, you may obsess over whether you gave the interviewer the “right” answers to the questions. But rather than worrying about what you said, you might want to spend more time thinking about how you say it. By the time you reach the interview phase, your prospective employer already knows a lot […]

#Leadership : #Presentation – 6 Takeaways from Tim Cook’s Apple Keynote that Will Make you a Better #Presenter …Steve Jobs was a master at Presenting New Products, and Tim Cook has Plenty of Best Practices for Public Speakers, Too.

Apple’s keynotes have been seen as examples of public speaking excellence for almost two decades. Steve Jobs’s launch of the iPod in 2001 and the iPhone in 2007 are not just product launches that changed how we communicate, they’re also among the best examples of public speaking. In the post-Jobs era at Apple, that trend […]

#Leadership : #ChangeManagement -How to Manage your #Team through #Change ….Leading your Team Through Change–Whether it’s New Leadership, a Reorganization, a Merger or Acquisition–can be Extremely Daunting. Here’s How to Do It.

Change is constantly happening on your team and in business. Whether it’s new leadership, a reorganization, a merger or acquisition, successfully leading a team through change is hard, and it presents both opportunities and challenges. To maximize benefits and minimize stress, leaders need to be organized, strategic, and almost overly prepared. As a leader, you […]

#CareerAdvice : #CompaniesHiring – 10 Fortune 500 Companies With #WorkFromHomeJobs …Take a Look, and Apply Today — These Jobs Won’t Be Open for Long!

When you think about a Fortune 500 company, you probably picture thousands of employees located in a gigantic headquarters. And while many Fortune 500 employees do work out of an office, the rising popularity of remote work means that more and more employees get to work right from their homes. Recently, FlexJobs compiled a list of Fortune […]

#CareerAdvice : #SalaryGap – 5 Ways to Know If You’re Making Less Than Your #Coworkers …It can be Quite Tricky to Figure Out How your #Salary Stacks Up, But Lucky for You, there are Many Options these Days for Gathering Financial Intel.

Knowing where you stand in terms of compensation compared to your coworkers can help you understand your value to the company, whether or not it’s time to ask for a raise, and if you should potentially be looking for a new gig. It can be quite tricky to figure out how your salary stacks up, […]