Entries by First Sun Team

#CareerAdvice : Got a #JobInterview ? Make Sure you Bring these 8 Things… You’ve Done your Research, and you’re Prepared. Now Follow this Checklist.

When you’re preparing for a job interview, many things go through your mind. Most of them involve what you need to say and the questions you’ll need to answer. But don’t forget–there are also a handful of physical items you’ll want to bring along. Wondering what to bring to an interview? Use this as your checklist: […]

#CareerAdvice : #JobSearch -This is the Easiest Way to Make your #LinkedInProfile Stand Out…One Small Tweak can Make a Big Difference.

Whenever I deliver my LinkedIn workshop, I get a lot of pushback on the following point: How to write your headline on the social network. A LinkedIn headline is the line directly under your name–on your profile page, in the sidebar of people similar to you, and what people see in search results when they type […]

#CareerAdvice : #ResumeWriting – How to Write an Irresistible #TechnicalResume …To find Out, we Reached Out to the Talent Acquisition Team at #NorthropGrumman — Here’s What They had to Say. Bonus, #JobOpenings Enclosed!

In the midst of a record-low unemployment rate, the prospects for job seekers — especially for those with in-demand technical skills — have almost never been better. Today, there are more jobs available than qualified candidates, meaning job seekers have their veritable pick of the litter when it comes to choosing where they want to work next. Just because […]

#CareerAdvice : #ChangeJobs – 9 Perfect #Jobs for #CareerChangers …We Spoke with a Handful of Career Experts to Identify the Best of the Best Jobs for #CareerChangers — Here’s What Made the Cut.

Whether you aren’t being challenged enough, don’t see potential for growth or can’t stop thinking the grass might be greener on the other side, it’s natural to feel restless in your career at some point or another. This doesn’t necessarily mean that you should jump ship immediately, but if your frustration drags on for months […]

#CareerAdvice – How to Ask for an #OfficeTransfer …Make No Mistake, though — Securing a Transfer isn’t as Easy as Simply Announcing a Move to your Employer. To get them OnBoard, you’ll Need to Think and Act Strategically.

Maybe your current location doesn’t quite gel with your personality. Maybe you want to be closer to family. Or maybe you’re a wanderer, never content to stay in one place too long. Whatever the case, many people find themselves itching to explore new cities. If you’re dreading the job search that will come with it, though, remember: there […]

#CareerAdvice : #JobPromotion – This is How you Get your Boss’s Job…Think you can Do your Boss’s Job Better than he Can? It Might be an Uphill Battle, but it’s Possible. Here are a Few Things to Consider Along the Way.

It is natural to want to advance in your career. We drill it into people’s heads that an upward trajectory at work is the primary marker of success. That is how you get more money, opportunity, and status. On top of that, you may even feel like your boss isn’t that great. Their flaws stand […]

#CareerAdvice : #JobSearch – Most People Are Looking for Jobs the Wrong Way. Heather Hund Wants to Fix That… Write a #Resume . Send it to a Couple Dozen Different Companies. Receive Zero Responses. If this Sounds Familiar, you’re Not Alone.

One of the most common frustrations job seekers have is sending out tons of applications, only to hear nothing back in return. And as a result, many of them view the job search as near-impossible. But the truth is, finding a great job isn’t as hard as most people think it is — or at least, it doesn’t have […]

#CareerAdvice : #CareerChange – 5 Signs you Need to ReThink your #Career …If you Feel Bored at your Job, find a Way to All Back in Love with your Work.

Even people who love their jobs may find themselves bored or feeling dissatisfied from time to time. In fact, boredom is the top reason that people leave their jobs, according to a 2018 survey by Korn Ferry. Roughly one-third said that they were looking for a new job to find a new challenge. Sometimes, boredom fades […]

#Leadership : How to Deal When your #Boss Plays Favorites…It’s Human Nature to have Preferences. It’s Unfair and Shouldn’t Happen, But If your Boss Seems to Be Passing you Over in Favor of Someone Else, here’s How you Can Keep your Career from Tanking.

At work, however, this natural tendency can quickly become toxic if preferential treatments are coming from the boss. Especially if you’re the one suffering at the expense of favoritism. In the best case scenario, your boss’s favoritism will pass without negatively impacting your career growth. In a more sinister case scenario, the favoritism continues on […]