Entries by First Sun Team

#CareerAdvice : #ResumeWriting – Think You Know How to Write the Perfect #Resume ? Think Again… Here are 20 of their Essential Resume Dos & Dont’s that could bring you One Step Closer to Taking the Next Big Step in your Career.

While writing a resume is undoubtedly challenging, there are certain CV faux pas that can be easily avoided to improve your application and chances for landing the job you want. Whether that means omitting third person or submitting two pages, the strongest resume shines a light on your unique skills and experience with succinct clarity. That’s where Philips recruiters come in. […]

#Life : 7 Ways to Raise your Kids to be Good at their #FutureJobs (no matter what they do)…It has Nothing to Do with AI or Coding Camp, and Everything to Do with a love of Learning and #EmotionalIntelligence .

Parenting is one of the most difficult roles there is, full of challenges, frustrations, and constant self-evaluation. Most parents try to raise healthy, happy, well-adjusted, functioning kids. Apart from teachers, parents have significant influence on their children. Their actions and teachings form a major part of what children will do with their lives upon becoming […]

#CareerAdvice : #JobSearch – This is Why it’s Important to #Network within your Company… #Networking with your Colleagues Improves your #Productivity and can Give you a Leg Up on #InternalJobOpenings .

Surveys show that nearly 85% of employees have found or obtained their job via networking. Additionally, it’s estimated that referrals are associated with a 2.6% to 6.6% higher chance of an accepted job offer. However, all of these statistics are referencing external networking. External networking refers to broadening your network of industry professionals and other individuals for mutually beneficial […]

#CareerAdvice : #JobInterviewing – All #InterviewQuestions are Trying to Figure Out One of these Three Things …. Decoding the motivation behind an interview question will help you figure out how you should answer it.

Going on a job interview is really about answering a series of questions. While many of the questions revolve around what you’ve done and what you can do, some questions are designed to operate on another level, says James Pyle, coauthor of Control the Conversation: How to Charm, Deflect, and Defend Your Position Through Any Line […]

#Leadership : #EmploymentLaw – Supreme Court to Weigh Workers’ Right to Sue Their #Employers …Conservative Majority’s Rulings in Three Cases could move more Disputes into Arbitration, Limit Class Actions

Employers are still trying to figure out how to keep their workers from suing them, as three cases currently before the Supreme Court test the limits of firms’ ability to move disputes into arbitration and out of court and the public eye. With conservative justices in the majority, the court handed employers a victory earlier […]

#CareerAdvice : How to Save Your Job if You Might Be #Fired .

Getting hit with a bad performance review or a warning from HR catches many people off guard, but according to career experts, there are telltale signs that your job could be in trouble that most people ignore, whether they consciously choose to or not. For example, maybe you see your responsibilities being handed over to other employees. “If […]

#CareerAdvice : #JobRecruiter – How to Talk to A #Recruiter …About a Third of Jobs are Filled Through #Recruiters, #Retained or #Contingent

About a third of jobs are filled through recruiters, retained or contingent.  So when a recruiter calls, it’s important to know how to respond in the best way as recruiters are usually working on more than one job at a time. They are building a database for the future, and if you help them, most will […]

#CareerAdvice : This is How to Bring Up your Nightmare Boss During a #JobInterview … #InterviewingQuestion to You- If I Were to Ask your Former Boss to Describe you, What Would they Say? Yes, you Can Be Honest, but Within Reason.

If I were to ask your former boss to describe you, what would they say? Every inch of your being wants to exclaim loudly what a nutjob your horrible boss was, but you need to figure out a way to talk positivelyabout your bad experience. Come off as too critical, and recruiters won’t want to move […]

#CareerAdvice : Got Kids? – 3 Questions to Ask Yourself When Trying to Choose Your #CollegeMajor … College Freshman? Must Read. Choosing a Major is a Big Decision — Probably One of the Biggest Ones you’ll Make in your First Couple of Years in College.

At this point in the academic year, college freshmen are largely settling into their routines. The initial flurry of activity that comes with living independently for the first time, establishing study routines and, let’s be honest, partying, begins to slow down, and students start to think more seriously about what they want to get out […]

#CareerAdvice : #ResumeWriting – 6 #Resume Mistakes To Avoid At All Costs…Resumes, after all, are your First Chance to Show a Company What a Perfect Fit you Are for a Position — but if Done Incorrectly, they Could also Be your Last.

“You only get one shot — do not miss your chance to blow.” Eminem may have been referring to rap battles when he dropped this lyric back in 2002, but he just as easily could have been talking about resumes and the job search. Resumes, after all, are your first chance to show a company what a perfect […]