Entries by First Sun Team

#CareerAdvice : #JobSearch -The Secrets #Recruiters Won’t Tell You (But Really Want To). Ever Wonder Why you Have Not Heard Back?

Recruiters may seem intimidating, but they genuinely want the best for both candidates and the company. Good recruiters want you to have the best experience possible during the application and interview process — but even though they want the best for you, there are some things that they just can’t share. Salary bands, candidate competition, internal HR tactics […]

#CareerAdvice : #JobOpenings – 18 Best Places to Work with Top CEOs. Looking for a Job? Great Place to Start.

Fun fact: Senior leadership is the second leading factor in employee satisfaction, according to Glassdoor research. That makes liking and respecting your company’s CEO so important. Luckily, if you’re looking for a new job—and for a leader you’ll love—you need to look no farther than this list of CEOs who made the 2019 and 2018 Best Places to Work […]

#CareerAdvice : #ResumeWriting – 13 Tips to Age-Proof Your Resume … Great REad!

As such, it is imperative that this community is competitive when facing off against younger workers. The first step in landing an in-demand job is crafting an eye-catching resume. “The resume continues to be a crucial tool every savvy job seeker needs,” says resume writer and career advice expert for TopResume. “Older workers are often confronted with many stereotypes in the […]

#Leadership : #BossRelationship – Exactly What to Say in These 7 Difficult Conversations with your Boss. A Must REad!

Nearly one-third of professionals admit they’d rather work an extra six hours a week than seek help in the workplace, according to a recent report from LinkedIn. This stands in sharp contrast to the number of professionals who said they’ve needed help at some point in their career. An overwhelming majority (84%) of respondents confessed this, […]