Must Read & Share: Give Yourself The Gift Of The Greatest, Most Successful Decade Of Your Life.

This is the season of giving. You spent the last couple of months meticulously searching for the perfect gifts for your family, friends and co-workers. Now, it’s time for you to take care of yourself. Use this holiday season to give yourself a special gift—the permission to change your work-life for the better. This is the time to give yourself the gift of the greatest, most successful decade of your life.

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The Team here at FSC LinkedIn Network would like to wish you/yours a Wonderful Christmas & a Happy, Healthy, & Prosperous 2020!

We are our own worst enemies. We hold ourselves back by being too self-critical and deathly afraid of taking on new risks and challenges. It will soon be a new year and new decade. It’s time for a radical change. Make this your decade to succeed.

You always have some reason to put off going after a new job or pushing for a promotion. When you ruminate over the excuses, they seem rational, but deep down inside you know that it’s inertia. It’s easier and less stressful to stay where you are.

You think that the devil you know is better than the devil you don’t know. It’s the path of least resistance to just stay put and promise yourself that one day you will summon up the courage to take action. This new and upcoming decade is the perfect time to pursue a change. Stop telling yourself why you shouldn’t do something and start demanding yourself to go after what you deserve.

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Give yourself the gift of courage. No one else is going to do it for you. You must be the hero of your own story. There won’t be anyone coming to knock on your door with offers of a great new job. It’s solely up to you to make something happen. Instead of procrastinating, start right now! Fight back against the negative and fearful thoughts running through your mind and forge ahead. Be brave and bold. If you don’t get that job, try for another one. Keep moving forward with determination and optimism. The laws of science say that an object in motion stays in motion. It’s similar in life as your energy propels you forward and attracts people and opportunities to you. Conversely, if you stay still, nothing will ever change and you’ll always have regrets.

We hold ourselves prisoners to our past. Mistakes, poor decisions and bad luck make you doubt yourself and your abilities. You’re afraid to shoot for something new, as you feel you’ll just fail once again. It’s a downward-spiral way of thinking. Keep in mind, this is the season for forgiveness and love.

Forgive and forget all of your former bad decisions, choices and indiscretions. Give yourself the gift of leaving the past in the past. Don’t let the choices you’ve made over 10 years ago define who you are today. Start the new decade with a clean, fresh slate. Let go of past grudges and grievances. Make your inner peace with everyone around you. Carrying the heavy weight of hate, jealousy and anger wears you down. Shed this weight and start living the life you truly want and desire. | December 17, 2019 | Jack Kelly
